shoreline bray summer intensive lessons

Summer Intensive Swimming Lessons take place throughout the month of July and August in Shoreline Leisure Bray. They are a week-long (Monday-Friday) 40min lesson. These daily lessons are a great way of improving technique and skills in just one week.

Our intensive swimming lessons allow for faster progression as the skills learned are carried forward to the next day with less time spent recapping the previous class. These lessons are ideally aimed at those swimmers who are already in lessons or are familiar with pool settings (i.e. been to a pool setting more than once and are comfortable in water) and looking to improve skills and/or gain more water confidence during these week-long lessons.

Our summer intensive lessons will cover levels 1, level 2 beginner and level 2 improver and take place at 3.10pm. Our small group numbers in our intensive lessons mean our swimming instructors can give more attention and deliver highly motivated swimming lessons to each swimmer.

We will update our 2025 bookings next June 2025


  • Level 1 criteria is what they will hope to achieve by the end of their award
    • Put Face in the water confidently.
    • Be comfortable with water showered from overhead.
    • Float on front unaided demonstrating kicks.
    • Float on back demonstration kicks
    o Flotation aid may be used.
    • Introduction to arm technique
    • Safe entry into the shallow end of the pool
    • Able to follow teacher’s instructions.
    • Exit the water Safely.
    • We do not use armbands in this level.

  • This is not a level for complete beginners and is our second level in our swim school which takes place in the shallow end.
    • Push, Glide & Kick 5 metres with a safe recovery
    o Horizontal position & face in the water
    • Push, Glide & Kick 5 metres on back aided with safe recovery.
    • Move sideways 5 metres away from the wall.
    o Feet may be on or off the floor.
    • Move from a flat floating position on the back.
    o Return to standing.
    • Safe entry into the deep end of the pool
    • Tread water for 5 seconds

  • Swim 10 metres Front crawl unaided with safe recovery
    o Horizontal position & face in the water
    o Attempting To breathe to Side.
    • Swim 10 metres back-Crawl unaided with safe recovery
    • Move sideways 10 metres away from the wall.
    • Attempt Breaststroke leg kick (Aid may be used)
    • Pick up an item from the bottom of the pool (Surface Dive)
    • Safe entry into the deep end of the pool
    • Tread water for 10 seconds in the deep end
    • Exit the water safely.